Data Protection with Quantum

delivering a quantum-safe, malware-resistant computing and networking architecture

Protect Data in Transit

Encrypt the data with secure keys established via quantum key distribution.

Protect Data at Rest

Store the encrypted data in quantum-guarded storage devices.

Protect Data in Use

Decrypt, view and process the data in private computing space.

We offer consultancy services

Quantum-safe data protection solutions

Quantum key distribution system security evaluation & acceptance testing
Malware-resistant computing & networking architectures
Quantum engineering laboratory setup & training

QKD Security Evaluation & Testing

The introduction of quantum key distribution (QKD) in data communication networks provides a robust defense against the “harvest now, decrypt later” attack. This attack involves malicious actors storing today’s encrypted data, anticipating future advancements in computing technology that could enable them to break the encryption and access sensitive information.
QKD offers a security proof rooted in the fundamental principles of quantum physics, ensuring its resilience against malicious actors with unlimited computational capabilities. As a result, QKD remains secure against potential future developments in computing power, including quantum computing, as well as advancements in cryptanalytic techniques.
However, real-world hardware imperfections and unintentional implementation flaws can introduce unexpected vulnerabilities, such as side-channels, in commercial QKD systems. Therefore, it is essential to rigorously test these systems to validate their security before deploying them in operational networks.
Testing should be conducted by an independent third party with the necessary expertise and experience to navigate the complexities of QKD security evaluation. This includes accurately interpreting test data, identifying discrepancies, and uncovering potential vulnerabilities.
The Thought Projects has extensive expertise in QKD testing and a proven track record in assessing the security of commercial QKD systems. To meet our customers’ needs, we have developed a comprehensive QKD security evaluation and testing methodology.
If you are considering integrating QKD into your network, we invite you to partner with us to ensure the security of your QKD systems and the protection of your sensitive data.

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